Sunday, October 23, 2022

Bugs - The Sicky Kind

It started with the Husband. He started feeling poorly on Monday. He was finally feeling mostly better by Friday. Thursday, one of the twins had it and stayed home from school, but she was better by the time Friday morning rolled around. Friday evening around 19:00, the fever and fatigue hit me. And I basically slept for the next 48 hours with very little interruption except to imbibe water and bread. I ended up calling out on Saturday because I couldn't manage to even sit up for more than 5 minutes. Sunday rolls around and by 7 I'm mostly feeling better, though stuffy. I can sit for extended periods, but I'm definitely weak. Tiny Terrorist got it, though, and has spent a good portion of the day sleeping on the sofa or cuddling with me in my bed. Poor Auntie got it, though, and had to call out for the night. Gonna be an interesting night at work. :P No big deal, though, I've got this! *flex*

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