Friday, March 4, 2011

Dear James

It is a little sad, but I miss just talking to you. Even being near you. It physically hurts sometimes to not be able to share with you my thoughts and the things going on in my life. Any of it--the good and the bad. Though, to be honest, I would try to spare you the bad or depressing.

Daniel and his girlfriend, Aimee, got engaged for Christmas. They found out Aimee was pregnant shortly before Christmas, but he had already decided to propose, so we are happy. Aimee goes in for her gender ultrasound on the 7th. She is so excited. I think they are hoping for a little girl.

Daniel started working for the Boiler Maker's Union. He is really enjoying it, though he hates being so far from Aimee. As soon as he gets back from this job, he and Aimee are going to be looking for an apartment. To be honest, I think Mom will actually miss having them there. She really loves having Aimee around.

I am 21 weeks along now. Lots of belly and very little weight-gain so far. Walking has really been good for me. Though, the people at work make sure I do as little of it as possible. Haha. They are sweet and protective. As soon as they found out I was pregnant, they limited what I could lift and try to keep me from doing too much.

I walk by our old apartment a lot (I live nearby). Ray had it rented out almost immediately after we left, but we were the only change there.

Mom asks after you sometimes. Less and less, but she loves you. Everyone does.

I hear you are doing another fashion show with Nadine and your mom. How exciting! I hope to see lots of pictures. I am sure everything you put forth will be amazing. You are a wonderful tailor. :)

People ask about you at church. They miss you there. I hope you will go back soon.

This divorce is tearing me apart. Every time I think about us staying like this forever, my heart breaks. I never thought I would lose the love of my life. And I definately didn't think it would be losing you that got me Blueberry. Doing this alone is terrifying. I understand why you couldn't come back, but it doesn't make it hurt less. Though, I have lost the need to tell you this wasn't intentional. -- You aren't the only one to believe otherwise and I am worn out from trying to prove my innocence there. Accidental or not, it shouldn't have happened. I won't regret the outcome, though. Blueberry is a miracle. I am sorry, though, that I made you feel as if a baby was all I wanted. I acted horridly and I'm sorry.

No matter, James. We made our choices and life is moving on. Every day I wake up and the world is still turning. The air is growing warmer and pushing for spring, then summer. My belly grows with life and my heart pushes me to get up and work and move. No matter how sad get, I think about this little life and know I have something to live for. God gives us what we need to get through. He knew that I needed something to help me move on without you, soo He gave me Blueberry. I don't know what He has given you, but I know it is good.

I won't profess my love for you, no matter how real, the truth of itwould fall upon deaf ears. You have given me something wonderful, though. I have never been single until now. And, while I can't say I prefer it, I appreciate it. No one can follow you. Not now. Even with the bad, you were my heart's desire. A perfect accompaniment to the melody of my life. But, without you, that melody continues on alone.

Thank you, James, for giving me three of the best years of my life. I will never forget.

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