Wednesday, July 25, 2012


As the days go by and my little man grows, I find myself becoming "crunchier."  Part of my crunchiness was in place well before he was born.  They were things I had always planned on: co-sleeping, extending breastfeeding, baby-led weaning...  But there are new things.  Some of which aren't even really for my DS, but for me.  (I.E. No-Poo)

Over the past few days I made a decision to start sewing my own cloth diapers.  We have been cloth diapering for a while, but most of the diapers that we are using are on loan from a friend of mine.  I want to get them back to her asap, so I looked up different patterns, found some that I liked, and now I am looking for a sewing machine to either borrow until I buy one after the school year starts and I have a steady income, or one to buy fairly inexpensively.  We will see how this goes.  Maybe, if I get good enough at making the diapies, I'll be able to sell them.  They look pretty easy.  And it might be a good way to supplement my income.  Maybe do some to order at first.  I'm not sure, but I'm pretty excited by the prospect.

As for No-Poo, I found a website that gave lots of advice for doing it.  I'll have to update here how it goes, but I'm hoping for the best.  I have always hated having my hair look dirty and greasy, and it says that there is a transition period where this is going to be the norm for about two weeks (up to two months.  >.<).  Hopefully, I'll be on the lower end of that.  But, I'll let you know how that goes, nonetheless.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Thirty-eight weeks went by, then another fifty-five.  My little Blueberry has sprouted up and grown before my eyes.  From an embryo to a toddler, the days have flown by.  Days I was so sure would never end were there and gone.  A heart that I thought would never be fully healed is full of love, overflowing with love and adoration for my new family.  Single and thinking I would be alone forever to having a boyfriend that drives me crazy, a son that I can't imagine living without and three wonderful step-children that I love like my own little boy.  Life takes turns and comes upon the unexpected with every one.  With James I had a unicorn.  When it was lost, I thought I would never know that joy again.  Life took a couple of turns and I found a Pegasus coming out of the woods.

When Julian was born, I thought my heart would burst with joy.  But, in that day and moment, the healing that I required started with vigor.  Every smile, sleepy yawn and snuggle wrapped my heart in healing bandages.  Every day that passed drove pain from me until here I sit, with a smile on my face, my children around me and words flowing from my heart.  There is nothing in this world I would rather be than mother to these children.  Nowhere that I would rather be than right here in my home with my family.