Saturday, February 26, 2011


I am so tired of fighting. What am I fighting for? Blueberry is coming. He never wanted to be "Dad". We agreed he would support Blueberry, but never be known as "Dad". He hasn't wanted to participate in anything up to this point. He participated in the creation of Blueberry, but that is it. Now he is butt-hurt that I picked a name and didn't discuss it with him. (In my defense, I thought I had talked to him, but he insists that I didn't. He is probably right, though, since I seem to be dreaming the things I think I have talked to a couple of different people about.)

Then, he kicks me while I'm down. Since my hours have been getting cut at work, he has been picking up the monetary slack around the apartment. In return, I have been doing more housework and cooking. It isn't the same, but it is what I can do. But, he throws that in my face too?! Really? That's fine, I will leave. Do what you want. I am out. No more trying to make him happy. It is impossible. I have had said not a single bad word against him in three weeks. Now I feel like he is making sure I know my place beneath his heel. This is not happening. I won't let it. I will stay in a shelter before letting him treat me this way. Let his buddy move in.
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